High Performance Tutoring is a team of high-quality tutors and test prep coaches who work one-on-one with students to improve grades and test scores. We are proud to serve the students of San Francisco, CA and surrounding areas. We have assisted students at UCSF, Lowell High School, Abraham Lincoln High School, George Washington High School, Galileo High School, and various middle schools in the city. Our tutors are experts in all levels of math, physics, chemistry, biology, comptuer science, economics, finance, the SAT, the ACT, and more! We are available from the early morning until late at night, seven days per week. For your convenience, our tutors can meet at your home or suitable public locations close to you.
Browse through the complete list of our tutors in San Francisco, CA to find a perfect match for you or your child. The best learning happens with the best tutors. That is why we spend hundreds of hours every month sifting through resumes, interviewing candidates, and measuring ability levels. We hire fewer than 10% of candidate because we want to match you with only the best tutors in San Francisco, CA, and it is rare to find people who are knowledgeable, articulate, reliable, and easy to get along with. Book your first session today and experience what a difference it makes to work with a tutor who is High Performance Certified. Once you know the amazing talent of our tutors, you will never want to work outside of our network again! Call us today at (510) 619 - 1058 to get started.
High Performance TUtoring hosts FREE SAT Workshops at local high schools throughout the Bay Area. These are generally held on campus after school and all students are welcome to attend. We give a presentation on the most essential tips, strategies, and concepts for scoring high on the SAT. If you are interested in having us host one of these events at your child's high school, please contact the school's administration and let them know of your interest in our events. If enough parents and students want it to happen, it will happen!