Tutor Profile - Omar C.

Lives in Chula Vista , CA (can travel up to 10 miles)

Tutors Online via Zoom

Bio: I studied Psychology and Statistics at CSU CI, during which time I conducted my own research for over a year. This led to conference presentations throughout California. I also tutored college-level courses, from research design to multivariate quantitative methods. Overall, I take pride in helping a student and seeing him reach his full potential. I believe hard work is 100 times more valuable than god-given talent. In other words, any student can be an “A” student regardless of their background.

Subjects: AP Statistics, Applied Statistics, Basic Statistics, Business Statistics I, Business Statistics II, Intro to Inferential Statistics, Intro to Statistics, Statistical Inference I, R Programming, SPSS

Experience at High Performance Tutoring: Omar is new to High Performance Tutoring but has lots of prior tutoring experience. Omar was hired because he demonstrated a high level of subject expertise, is great at explaining things clearly, and has a delightful personality.


The green shade represents times in which Omar is available. The pink shade represents times in which Omar is on vacation. So any times shaded in green that are not overlapped by a vacation are times that Omar is available to meet with you. Call us today at (619) 313 - 4861 or fill out our Registration Form at the top of this page to book your first session Risk-Free!

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