When you register with High Performance Tutoring, you gain access to our entire national network of exceptional online tutors. Simply call us at (801) 508 - 4080 or fill out our online registration form above to get started. Here is what will happen next...
1. Your Specific Needs: One of our friendly representatives will reach out to you promptly to ask about your specific academic needs. It will help us to know the subject you are working on and the ways in which you are wanting to improve (e.g. test taking, studying, finishing assignments, general understanding, etc.).
2. Match with a Tutor: Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, expectations, and availability, we will match you with one or more of our exceptional learning professionals. If you already have a tutor in mind, we are happy to match you with that person.
3. Schedule Online Tutoring Sessions: Let our representative know the days and times that work best for scheduling your sessions. Your first hour is compleley FREE. Call, text, or email us anytime to book sessions or update your schedule. For your convenience, we will create an account for you from which you can login and book sessions on your own if you prefer.
4. Meet Your Tutor Online: Once your first session is booked, we will share with you your tutor's personal Zoom meeting ID. Use this meeting ID to connect with your tutor via Zoom at the start time of your session. To download Zoom on any device (computer, tablet, smartphone), go to Zoom.us.
5. Payment: Payment for your sessions is simple and flexible. On the morning of your session we will email you a PayPal invoice which you may pay at your convenience using any major credit card. A PayPal account is not required to complete payment. You have the flexibility to pay as you go. However, if you choose to pay for a block of 10 hours in advance, we will extend you a generous discount.
6. Stay Connected: As a courtesy, we will send you automated email and text reminders about your sessions the day before and morning of. You can contact us anytime or login to your online account to make changes to your schedule. You can also use this portal to send notes and files to your tutor before any session, leave feedback after any session, and read any feedback or extra notes your tutor has posted. We'll also keep you informed about special events we host in case you're interested.
Call us today at (801) 508 - 4080 or fill out our online registration form at the top of this page to get started. Your first session is completely FREE! Let's improve your grades and test scores together.